Monthly events in 2022

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Broomfield Dems April HYBRID Monthly Meeting

Thursday, April 14th: 6:30pm – 8:00pm

Please note: while the covid numbers have dropped significantly enough to gather in person again we are still in a pandemic. We strongly encourage masks in indoor spaces, but they are not required.

We are once again holding our meetings in a HYBRID setup: in person at the BCC in the Crawford Room upstairs, and on Zoom, registration link below.

Welcome back to the Monthly News! (We figured you’d get enough mail from us in March because of caucus and assembly so we took a month off.)

April’s General Meeting will be all about the updates! Who made it onto the primary ballots from the State and Multi-county assemblies? What’s City Council been up to, Madame Mayor? What’s new with you, Kathy Plomer? Tell us all about yourself, new Volunteer Coordinator Mercedes Perez!

We look forward to seeing you all again!

When you register you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please contact us with any questions or

Congratulations, Peggy!

The BCD Executive Committee would like to give our most heartfelt thanks and congratulations to Peggy Reed! Peggy has accepted a position doing some extremely cool work in her field, but sadly for us that means her focus has to shift from us to her new job, and so she has stepped down as Vice Chair.

BCD has been extremely lucky to have Peggy as a part of the EC, she started as Volunteer Coordinator – building an excellent coalition of volunteers for democracy in Broomfield – and in 2021 stepped in as Vice Chair.

Her lasting contributions to our organization are many, not least of which is the long list of volunteers she recruited for the 2018 election for canvassing, distributing Vote Notes, texting and phone banking.

We have Peggy to thank for Broomfield Conversations in 2020, and our excellent and informative slide decks for our monthly general meetings. And without her contributions in pioneering printed voting guides, Vote Notes, and GOTV texting we’d be sorely lacking in our GOTV efforts going into the next election season!

Thank you for all of your hard work on behalf of progressive politics in Broomfield, Peggy!

Communications Coordinator Wanted!

When Peggy resigned as Vice Chair she nominated our Communications Coordinator, Sasha Davis, to take her place. Sasha was appointed as Vice Chair on the 24th of March during the monthly Executive Committee meeting – congratulations, Sasha!

However, this means we’re now on the lookout for a new Communications Coordinator. While Sasha will continue to manage Comms until her replacement can be found, getting new energy and vision into the position ASAP would be a huge benefit to BCD!

We’re looking for a team-player with strong social media skills -Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – and a few hours available each month to write the monthly newsletter.

If you are interested in learning more about the position please email

Agendas are available a few days prior to each meeting. The link can be found on the RIGHT side of the page.

Broomfield City Council Meetings

April 12 + 26 – 6pm

Broomfield City Council Study Session

April 19 – 6pm

Broomfield Dems Are Proud to Support:

Maintaining space for progressive voices and progressive policies requires funding. Because of your generous support, the Broomfield County Democrats will be able to continue the work to Keep Broomfield Blue in 2022.

Copyright © 2022 Broomfield County Democrats, All rights reserved.

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Our mailing address is:

Broomfield County Democrats

PO Box 154

Broomfield, CO 80038