1. March 30th – DONE
  2. September 28th – SPECIAL CLEAN UP DAY! This Saturday is a week after the Broomfield Days Parade. Despite everyone’s best efforts, with that many people congregating in one place for a couple of hours there’s always some amount of trash that gets left behind. Keeping our community clean is a commitment that we are proud to make. We’ll have a special gift for everyone who joins us this day!
  3. November TBD

No need to signup, just show up: 9am – 11am

Join us to help keep our community beautiful through a cleanup of The Field Open Space. We’ll meet at the Brunner Farmhouse at 640 Main Street (Main & north of Midway) and head out for a walk in the park.

• Bring your own work gloves
• Litter bags will be provided

The Broomfield County Democrats are participants in the City & County of Broomfield’s Adopt-An-Area/Litter Control Program. We have adopted The Field Open Space since 2006. Once a quarter we meet to clean up the open space around the Brunner Farmhouse, from Main St. to Ash St. and from 10th Ave. to 3rd Ave. It’s a wonderful opportunity to bring some family and friends and spend an hour on beautiful Saturday mornings helping keep our community clean. 


