Broomfield Municipal Ballot Measures

This symbol indicates answers we have received when we asked for clarity


Broomfield Ballot Question 2A
Shall Chapter III of the City and County of Broomfield Home Rule Charter be amended to change the law
governing elections from Colorado Municipal Election Code to Title 1 (the Uniform Election Code), except as
set forth in Charter or Code, and change the term “municipal elections” to “coordinated elections” throughout
the Charter in recognition of Broomfield’s status as a city and a county?

– Does not take away any voter rights
– Does not diminish right to recall
–  Appointment after a recall is already in the charter, but the current charter language was contradictory (current Charter Section 4.7).

Broomfield Ballot Question 2B
Shall Section 4.3 of the Broomfield Home Rule Charter be amended to limit a mayor and limit a councilmember
to no more than three consecutive terms of office, provided the voters of Broomfield choose to reelect that

Broomfield Ballot Question 2C
Shall Section 6.4 of the Broomfield Home Rule Charter be amended to permit City Council to approve
rezonings and other land use cases relating to a specific property by resolution at a public hearing?

–  DOES NOT apply to rezoning multiple properties at the same time

Broomfield Ballot Question 2D
Shall Section 6.9 of the Broomfield Home Rule Charter be amended to require publication of ordinances on the
City and County of Broomfield website and permit, but not require, publication in a newspaper of general

 –  A future implication – if the Enterprise was to cease publication, the current charter would require CCOB to publish in the Denver Post – at a significantly higher cost.
 –  Saves taxpayer money by ALLOWING flexibility in the publication process.

Broomfield Ballot Question 2F
Shall Chapter X, Legal and Judiciary, of the Broomfield Home Rule Charter be amended to:

● update language,
● permit the City and County Attorney to employ both assistant attorneys and non-attorney staff,
● specify that special counsel works under the direction of the City and County Attorney, who
serves at the pleasure of Council,
● recognizes the presiding municipal judge as the Court’s department head who can hire and
supervise associate judges and court staff, and
● sets the reasons for removal of a judge to be consistent with state statute or conduct that
violates the Colorado Code of Judicial Conduct?

–  Clean up to allow City and County Attorney and Municipal judge to be able hire and supervise administrative staff as needed.

Broomfield Ballot Question 2G
Shall Section 4.3 of the Broomfield Home Rule Charter be amended to provide that the term length for the
position of mayor be extended from two (2) years to four (4) years, commencing for the mayor elected at the
2025 November election?

 –  Mayor term of office – 4 years instead of 2
 –  Does not increase the power of Council
 –  Increases power of the voters by allowing the voters to elect their choices for council and mayor

No Position

Broomfield Ballot Question 2E
Shall Chapter IX, Personnel, of the Broomfield Home Rule Charter be amended to:

● update language,
● retain the Personnel Merit System for classified full-time and part-time employees,
● set forth a right in Charter to an administrative appeal,
● clarify that all department heads, the city and county manager, and the deputy/assistant city and
county managers are excluded from the Personnel Merit System, and
● remove the reference to the Personnel Merit Commission, which remains in Code?